Indie Pop

Listen: “Unfold” by Beau Boulden

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“Unfold” by Beau Boulden

UK-based indie singer/songwriter Beau Boulden opens up his heart and soul and invites us to explore the sonic beauty of “Unfold”. With a gentle and refreshingly honest blend of melodies and lyrics he pulls us into this realm that he crafted and allows us to feel it as ours. The soundscape becomes one with the airwaves that surround us, caressing our senses with a gentle yet firm touch that allows us to realize that this tale is one that dwells in the reality of our human nature. It has that unique and always welcomed touch that allows it to feel both personal and universal at the same time. So listen closely and pay attention for this story is full of magic and down to earth moments that will speak to you and feed your imagination instantly. Beau has crafted something truly special that can only be labelled as a must listen gem and personally, an instant fan favorite. Enjoy!

To listen on Spotify click HERE

“‘Unfold’ is a song about the process of trying to accept a feeling you cannot seem to change. Sometimes it seems like the right way to be feeling, but you know it will never end up being good for you. You know that it’s wrong but you have almost lost yourself within your own powerlessness; you have started to unfold.” 

Beau Boulden

More of Beau Boulden