Indie Pop

Listen: “Behind the Borders” by Rowann

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“Behind the Borders” by Rowann

From the Netherlands comes the up-and-coming indie-pop duo Rowann with their mesmerizing sonic gem, “Behind the border”. With this exquisite and inviting blend of melodies and lyrics, they give life to a surreal realm that caresses our senses and gently pulls us in. The track speaks softly and gently while still carrying a certain fire that makes it so hypnotizing and intoxicating. The way the vocals and the instruments complement each other makes for a truly exciting and gratifying experience. There’s no denying that this track has it all to be part of many playlists and to be labeled as a must listen gem. So come with me and let us explore the unknown magic of this amazing sonic creation. Enjoy!

For more listening options click HERE

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