Indie Pop

Listen: “Slow Motion” by Darla Jade

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“Slow Motion” by Darla Jade

UK based indie singer/songwriter Darla Jade comes to us once more with the hypnotizing and refreshingly inviting sonic creation that is “Slow Motion. With this honest and electrifying blend of melodies and lyrics she explores the reality of the modern life and how everything seems to make us go faster and faster every time. Instead of falling prey to this idea, she takes a moment to remember that we can’t always go at life like that, sometimes a pause is needed and as much as we are “told” not to and keep going, we need to listen to ourselves and really grasp the fact that life needs moments in which we put on the brakes. The soundscape is a mesmerizing showcase of humanity that serves as a reflection of life and how society teaches us to live it to its benefit not ours. We should always be able to breathe in and breath out as we take a pause to assess where we are and where we want to go and not feel guilty because the truth of the matter is, we are not machines and not only our bodies can break but also our minds. So listen carefully to this amazing must listen gem and understand that a pause is not that bad at all. Enjoy!

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More of Darla Jade