Indie Folk

Visualizer: “Beautiful Soul” by Katy J Pearson

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“Beautiful Soul” by Katy J Pearson

UK based indie singer/songwriter Katy J Pearson blends melodies and lyrics to give life to an inspiring piece of musical magic in “Beautiful Soul”. The soundscape flows with ease through the airwaves gently caressing your soul in a way that makes you feel at ease as it gives you a reason to smile and be happy with who you are. The track embraces the fact that we all need some love and that bad times come to everyone and in those moments we need some sweet dose of feel-good lyricism to stay afloat. She knows the exact words to say to bring us peace and invite us to close our eyes as the soundscape comes alive in an instant. Enjoy!

Beautiful Soul is a song of love and appreciation for anybody you love dearly who may be going through a shit time and needs to hear that nothing is ever permanent. As my mum always says, ‘this too shall pass’.”

Katy J Pearson

More of Katy J Pearson